Susi Snaps Photography

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New beginnings...

Sometimes changing things up can be a good thing. I’ve been feeling the urge to change for a while now...

So here it is. A change. A new beginning.  

Susi is still snapping away but also spilling the beans of every day life, sharing our travels and our foodie side. 

Seven years ago, I started a little blog called BocaFrau. It later morphed into Susi Snaps. Then I started having technical difficulties more often than I liked and instead of using my time for adding content, I ended up trying to fix things or waiting for things to get fixed. I barely posted anymore.

After lots of thinking and worrying and worrying some more, I decided to start fresh - new name, new design, new platform.

I’m still tweaking things and suspect I always will, because that’s what I do, tweak and tweak some more.

But so far I’m happy here in my new blog home and hope to get back to blogging more regularly, maybe even do some old school blogging…

Thank you for being here and reading and joining this journey!