About Me
“If you see something that moves you and then snap it, you keep a moment.”
Hello and welcome,
I’m Susi.
I’m what you’d consider a lifestyle photographer. I don’t have a niche per se, and I love photographing lots of different things.
I take pictures of people (headshots, high school seniors/grads, families), birds, nature, and the occasional close-ups of flowers. I’m happy to give you posing suggestions, but I prefer capturing moments when they happen. My style is natural, bright, and cheerful.
I’m a wife and mom, wanna-be-foodie, over-thinker, and lover of tea+honey, nature, travel, and the mountains.
I was born and raised in a small town about two hours south of Berlin, in the federal state of Saxony Anhalt, Germany, and I spent part of my childhood behind the Iron Curtain.
South Florida is and has been home for the past 20+ years.
xo, Susi