Susi Snaps Photography

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May 2018

May is always a busy month for us, work and school wise. It’s the last month before summer break and lots needs to get finished up or prepped. 

For me it was closing out the school year, and preparing for summer camp, were I work as a lead camp counselor, running the science Adventure camp portion.  

Dor the kids it’s getting those last minute assignemwnts and projects in and prepping for finals.  

For me it was also time to close out a chapter of my life by changing positions at school and saying goodbye to the science lab. I’d rather not get into the how’s or whys here but will tell you that the simplest explanation holds a lot of truth - it was time for a change.  


Some of my favorite science ladies. So glad we are still friends and even though we don’t see each other every day anymore. We still make time for one another. ❤️ 


Hubby and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary the beginning of May and since both the big kids were busy, we had a little hanger on.  


According to my camera roll, it was a good photography month - I took lots of photos and I love how this one came out.  

You gotta stop and smell the roses every once in a while. :) 


I’ve lived in South Florida for close to 20 years and this year was the first time we made it to Sunfest. Love this pic of Ally standing on the piano keys. Such a cool 3D effect.  

Nothing too exciting to report about May, and I’m good with that. I like simple. I like quiet. I like good.