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Susi Snaps Photo is a photography blog by Susi Kleiman, a lifestyle photographer in Boca Raton, Florida. Categories include portraits, real estate, nature, travel, and food. Here, you will find posts about my sessions and personal stories.

C is for Cat... #atozchallenge April 2019

C is for cat.


Our poor Finn does not get enough love around here. She’s the more quiet and regal one and prefers not to have her picture taken. It took me a while skimming through my camera roll to come up with the images in this post. :)


We found Finn, who’s a girl, in our neighbors backyard when Ally was a baby, so she’s about 9 years old now. She was a tiny little thing and used to love napping on hubby’s shoulders. She still prefers to nap near him but is just a touch too big to hop up on his shoulders these days.


She appears to be an all black cat but does actually have a very small white patch under her chin. I’ve run across people that were very superstitious and wouldn’t go near her. Did you know that black cats are the hardest to adopt out? I’ve also heard that about dogs. Guess we don’t have those problems because we’ve always had black or very dark brown pets. No discrimination from us! :)


She’s a bit skittish around strangers and prefers our company. She’s very rarely out an about when we have people over but as soon as hubby and/or I sit down on the couch for one of our shows, she comes right over and makes herself comfortable.


She’s not the typical lap cat but we love her anyways.

xo, Susi