Sweet Summer Time
June 2nd. We made it through another school year.
The boy is officially done with high school and enjoying his summer before heading off to college.
Ash is going to be a junior in high school this coming school year. She’s spending part of her summer recuperating fully from her knee surgery and going to physical therapy so that come August she can hopefully dance again. We are also leaving on a girls trip to Germany in a week! So excited!!!
Ally will be in 5th grade and has decided to do surf camp for 2 weeks this summer while her sister and l are in Germany.
This is the first summer in 6 years that I’m not working camp and the kids aren’t either attending or working as counselors. It is a bit odd but I think we were all ready for a break and a more slow and leisurely summer with lots of pool time, down time and family time.
In July we will be going to our happy place in the mountains of NC for 2 - 3 weeks and once we return, it’s time to get the boy ready for college and the girls ready for another school year.
I’ve also made a slew of doctors appointments for all of us to get check ups and such.
So while we are not having a structured summer, we will still have plenty going on.
Ok, so I’m actually not IN the pool in this shot but you get the idea. :)
We already got a good head start on summer fun these past two weekends and enjoyed time in the pool.