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Susi Snaps Photo is a photography blog by Susi Kleiman, a lifestyle photographer in Boca Raton, Florida. Categories include portraits, real estate, nature, travel, and food. Here, you will find posts about my sessions and personal stories.

December 2018

Somehow we are here, the last day of 2018. Each year, time seems to go faster. You say “Happy New Year” and before you know it, you are left wondering where the time has gone.

Looking back, and doing a monthly recap, helps though. It’s nice to see all the little and big things that have happened.


December started off so funny. Ash and I were out and about, for our weekly mother-daughter dinner date and to look for a new Christmas tree. I had my heart set on a specific tree from Big Lots. It was tall, but narrow and I thought, perfect for the spot next to the fire place. Alas, when we got there, the tree wasn’t available and I just didn’t like any of the others.

Ash decided we should go get a real one. I really didn’t want to. Don’t get me wrong. I love having a real tree. The smell, the look, it just says Christmas. But I hate dealing with the needles and the water and the disposal… you name it. But Ash being Ash, she talked me into it and we drove to the nearest Home Depot. Just walking through the Christmas tree stand lifted my spirits. There’s just something about the smell that gets to me every time.

Ash was giddy with excitement and soon found the tree she deemed perfect. Gary, the Home Depot employee, was super sweet and patient, and did an amazing job securing the tree on the roof of the car.

I don’t think, I’ve laughed this much, buying a Christmas tree before. Ash’s excitement was contagious… It still makes me smile, thinking back to that evening.


Look at this beauty? It truly was a beautiful tree and fit perfectly in our blue room.


On another excursion, Ash and I stopped and pulled over, when we saw how pretty all the houses where decorated in the community we were passing. We were not the only ones that walked this particular neighborhood, admiring all the lights. So pretty!


At work, we had fun with a Secret Santa, and this is the little tree I brought in and decorated. Do you like the star I made? :) I received some German beer (Kolsch), a lavender candle and a gif card from my Secret Santa. We all went out for happy hour to reveal who each others Secret Santa was and it was so much fun. I truly work with a bunch of amazing woman now and couldn’t be happier.


The kids on Christmas Eve in their new pajamas. I so enjoyed our Christmas season this year. Each Sunday, coinciding with advent, we sat together and watched a Christmas movie. We did the same on Christmas Eve, and it just made me so happy, to sit snuggled together on the couch, with a hot cup of tea and some cookies and spend time together as a family.


I baked three different types of cookies, my boys favorite, the almond-butter cookies; everyone’s new favorite, Reese Witherspoon’s cowboy cookies; and of course, the obligatory sugar cookies. I did most of the baking myself, but the girls helped decorate the sugar cookies. I’m not even sad that no one jumped up to help me bake, I love to bake… by myself. It’s more relaxing that way! ;)


On Christmas Day, we woke up (not too early), opened presents, had a nice breakfast together and then lounged around until it was time to get ready and go to my in-laws house. There, we enjoyed the view, played with all the dogs, and ate Brazilian food. My MIL is Brazilian and she invited some friends over, who cooked up a storm and made Brazilian BBQ, as well as an array of different types of salads. I always love exploring different foods from different cultures and learning more about it. It was most certainly not, the traditional Christmas we are used to, but that doesn’t mean it was bad.


And then this happened! Conner, our first-born, turned 18 on the 29th. We went out for lunch at his favorite Japanese hibachi restaurant with the family and later on he had some friends over to celebrate.


Instead of a cake, he had a tower of mini donuts from Doughboy in Boca. We got them last year for his birthday, as well. They are the perfect little bite size pieces of sweet goodness. The donuts are made to order. You pick your toppings and they make them for you while you wait. I ordered an assortment ahead of time and then just had to pick them up.


Hubby and I took a drive yesterday to pick up some provisions for New Year’s Eve. I love driving with the top down. It always puts me in a good mood. Not sure why. But it’s certainly a nice perk of living in South Florida. The weather is truly gorgeous right now.

I wish, I could enjoy it a bit more, but some of us, myself included, have been fighting off upper respiratory stuff for days/weeks now. It seems we keep giving it to each other. I’m trying to ignore it for the most part, but will have to take a chill day and try to just rest.

Maybe next year! ;)

xoxo, Susi