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Susi Snaps Photo is a photography blog by Susi Kleiman, a lifestyle photographer in Boca Raton, Florida. Categories include portraits, real estate, nature, travel, and food. Here, you will find posts about my sessions and personal stories.

We made it! {Thanksgiving Break Pt. 1}

We made it to our cozy cabin in Sugar Mountain, North Carolina. I’m giddy with happiness, as soon as I caught the first glimpse of the mountains, my face lit up and I haven’t stopped smiling. I LOVE it here. 

We usually drive up, but this time decided to fly due to time constraints. Public schools in our county have the whole week off and had that been the case for us, we definitely would have driven up and brought Audrey. The flight from Ft. Lauderdale to Raleigh was quick and easy and once we had our luggage, we hopped on a shuttle bus to get our rental car, which was quick and easy as well. 

We were on the road almost an hour ahead of schedule and made it to Banner Elk/Sugar Mountain a bit ahead of time.  We always like to arrive in daytime to find our way to whatever cabin we rent for the time we are here. We are not used to driving on these mountain roads, although it gets easier each time we come up here. 

I was so happy to see the fall colors in Raleigh and on the way up the mountains. From the looks of it, there isn’t much color left here but I’ll see if I can find some to capture. :)

Our cabin is called “Moose Cabin” and as soon as we got out of the car, Mr. Moose welcomed us. The cabin is comfy and cozy and I love all the little “moosey” details found throughout the cabin and the view is amazing.

It’s become tradition that we eat spaghetti, marinara sauce and Italian sausage for dinner the first night we arrive. And just writing that makes me realize how lucky I am. The first time we came here, I begged to go to vacation in NC and honestly didn’t think we’d be back. But in one way or another, we all fell in love with the area and we ended up here again when we evacuated for the hurricane in September 2017. Then we were back this summer and decided pretty last minute, to come up for Thanksgiving as well, since our good friends are here too. 

Hope you enjoyed this glimpse into our travel/arrival day! More to come...

xoxo, Susi